26 January 2008

It has been raining since Tuesday.

I'm sitting backwards on the toilet in the downstairs bathroom of theBoy's house because this is the only place I can get a good internet connection. And even here it's not very good. I'm in the process of cleaning his room for him. I'm getting paid for it, which makes it better but it still sucks. However, it brings peace of mind. I don't have to sit and think about how filthy everything is anymore. At the moment I'm working on a massive laundry pile. And once I get through it, it's on to the dreaded closet. But at least I will have a place to hang all the clean laundry up! I'm doing a load of sheets right now, including a blanket I crocheted for him but have never taken pictures of.

I've really not been doing that much crafting lately. I haven't had a lot of uninterrupted time to really have marathon crafting sessions, and that's really how I get things done. I'm working on the silver and black afghan (ravelry link) but it is sometimes taking me half an hour to get across one row. Slow going!
I was doing a bit of work on my toe-up Charades (ravelry link) but I can't seem to find the first sock! So I have temporarily stalled progress on the second. I'm at the crucial heel-turning point, and I want them to match. (Seems like I should be spending time cleaning my own bedroom, huh?)

I did take some stash photos the other day, so check ravelry in a week or so and they may be up. Nothing exciting.

In exciting news, I made some awesome earrings!

DSCN7485 DSCN7480 Earrings

They are made with fishing lures. I had talked about making jewelry out of fishing stuff, at first as a joke when at the sporting goods store with theBoy. But pretty much immediately I realized that would be a great idea. It took me a little while to actually get stuff for it, but I'm super happy with my results so far. I may even make some more and list them on etsy. They are easy, fun, and cute! They were super hard to photograph, though!

The weather here has been sucking! It's been raining since Tuesday, maybe Monday, and there are clouds if not rain for the rest of the forecast ('til next Friday). Yuck!

05 January 2008

Watch for falling gazebos.

We have had some pretty fucking crazy weather around here! 69+ mph winds and a TON of rain. Our gazebo ended up stuck to our neighbor's roof, and put backyard looks like a hurricane struck. All the chairs and chaise longues are upside down, blown around, or in the pool. A ton of pots are broken. I have pictures, but my camera is in the process of dying. But, we are lucky enough to not have any trees/limbs on our house or car. Driving downtown, there are limbs everywhere and all over there are trees that have totally blown over. The Boy said while he was at work yesterday he saw a bunch of stuff like downed power lines on the wet ground sparking everywhere. He said it looked like it should be in a movie.
I've seen pretty crazy stuff in the past in terms of flooding, but never wind damage like this!

I will have so crafting stuff to post about soon. Really! And some pictures.

04 January 2008

Rain, rain go away!

It going to be raining for the next week in my neck of the woods. Which is fine. It's much better than snow, and really, we need it! But it's also going to be windy which SUCKS!

detailed weather

Gusts around 65 mph after midnight. Which is right now! It basically sounds like the roof is going to come off. So I'm comforting myself by listening to my ipod rather loudly through headphones. I'm good with thunder and lightning and all that jazz but wind just fucks with me.

Hope things look better where you are!