Sunday, June 8th I did my first real craft fair! It was the Nevada City Craft Fair at the Miners Foundry in Nevada City, CA.
I spent a good part of the day talking to a couple of ladies who sell silk scarves and who had done craft fairs for a long time but have still never made an etsy sale. I am from the complete opposite camp! I have so little in-person selling experience and so much to learn! It was a fairly slow day, mostly due to being over 100° out (and no AC!) so it gave us vendors a great chance to chat and compare notes. There was a lot of neat stuff there and if you are a Northern California person, I recommend checking out their next craft fair which will be sometime in December. I was so tired (it was a long weekend full of baby showers, graduation parties, and driving) that I didn't get photos of the rest of the vendors like I said I would. I was inspired by this post written by Melissa of Scavenger Hunt, but too tired/hot to actually do this myself. :(
I can never tell what the big seller of the day will be, and this day it was bracelets. Which makes sense, because they're good hot weather pieces.
Long story short: although it was a slow day, it was a successful one. I learned a lot about table displays, although I think I learn something different every time I bring my jewelry out. I got to use my fantastic necklace stands that I made after finding a similar thing on pinterest:
They cost about $25 to make (pipe is expensive) but are really durable and help keep things from tangling. I could use about ten, really!
I am so thankful to be done with this and have nothing big scheduled for a month or so. It's strange to not have a huge to-do list. I am caught up on orders for the first time since the Woodland Games in April, or possibly before. It's a great feeling! I finally have time to add new things to the shop now. (And sew, of course!)
Love the pipe display! I've been wanting to go to the Nevada City Craft Fair, but haven't made it yet. Hoping to make the December one.