22 February 2014

this week in TartanHeartsLand

I did a few pretty cool things this week.

1. I went to Costco by myself, like a real grown-up.

2. I got to make several heart-shaped jewelry pieces, which I LOVE! The Saltire (bottom, it's the Scottish flag) will be coming soon to my shop. It came out so well. It'd be a great key chain.

3. I've not done any sewing, but I've been doing some sewing prep and figuring out what my next project will be. I have the pattern and fabric to do a Simplicity 1882, but it will be another floor-length Rainbow dress. BUT! I'm thinking I need an every day dress that will see more than the inside of a lodge. I am leaning heavily towards a Sewaholic Cambie and I have a couple of fabric ideas. I really love sweetheart necklines and sleeveless dresses, so I hope it's the match made in heaven that I think it will be. 

Here's Moe helping me lay some fabric out. (It's leftovers from one of my dance costumes from 10+ years ago. I have a little over two yards, I think. I didn't get a chance to actually measure because Moe was too funny.)  

Several people on instagram suggested that he needs a hand-sewn dog bed. NO. No he does not. He prefers the couch, anyway. 

4. I'm going to Stitches West tomorrow! I've gone the last two years and it's a blast! I'll be at the LSG meetup Saturday night, which is never a let-down. I'm amazed Bennigan's lets us come back. 

The fun part about Stitches is that I am now spinning. I'm not looking for yarn at all, but spinning fiber instead. 

15 February 2014

back on the sewing wagon.

Which is literally the title of a post I did in 2010: http://tartanhearts.blogspot.com/2010/03/back-on-sewing-wagon.html

Sewing isn't my favorite thing. It doesn't come naturally to me the way that knitting and other fiber-related crafts to. I have to really think about it and take my time. And the worst part is that mistakes are so much harder to fix. Especially when it comes to cutting.

But when you combine being 5'10" and generally not petite, fitting ridiculous dress codes (Highland dance, DOS, IORG, etc.) and it almost becomes a necessity. Plus it seems like I want to sew every year at this time. Winter blahs? Who knows.

Point is, I made a dress.

(I still have not taken nice pictures of this dress, so selfies will have to suffice!)

I even did it properly and did a test-run muslin.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a muslin!

This was the dress pre-alterations:

finished dress, pre-fitting/alterations

I ended up taking it in about 3-4" in the waist. I could have easily done a size or even two sizes smaller but I really wasn't sure how much ease I would want in a finished garment that was fully-lined.

finished dress with sweater

Finished dress!

Finished specs:

Pattern: McCall's 3129 (Patternreview)

Fabric: This rainbow polka dot stuff from Hobby Lobby. (I had a gift card. I was not impressed with them at all so I do not feel bad about not shopping there.) It is perfect for IORG, which is what it was intended for.

Alterations: Took in the waist about 4". Added full lining (which was so easy and I am so glad I did). Should have lengthened it (and the pattern was great about how to lengthen/shorten), because it's about ankle length instead of top-of-my-foot/floor length. Nothing major.

Notes: The zipper installation instructions sucked, and I am very glad that the internet and many of the wonderful tutorials out there exist. I have installed zippers before but needed a refresher. I forgot that I don't care about using invisible zippers, and won't waste my time with that in the future. I have never done a lapped zipper, which I am looking into presently.

Verdict: I would sew it again, but I probably won't because there are too many other gorgeous patterns out there begging to be sewn. Sewaholic Cambie is on my list to be done next. Or Simplicity 1882.