The road to hell is paved with the best intentions. I think it also must be paved with assumptions and bad habits.
This fabric was used for one of my dance costumes that was made in 2001. I've had the 2+ yards of remnants hanging around for 13 years.

My last sewing sag started (and ended) with me making myself a new skirt for this outfit in 2010. I ended up getting a from-scratch-new outfit made in 2012.

Because it was already made into something, I assumed that it had been washed. It had NOT. I found this out after I washed it, before I wore it. Where did I wear it, you might ask? I wore it to mock-judge a dance competition. It was a really neat experience because it taught me a lot about the judging experience. (Mostly that I do actually want to take my judge's test, which is an ordeal.) Getting ready that morning, I put on my dress and went to zip it and was quite surprised that it took a bit of effort. Then I noticed that it was about 3" shorter than it had been. Uh oh! I also noticed that every single edge that hadn't been overcast or bias bound was starting to fray. Since I was in a hurry, I hadn't gone in and overcast the top skirt edge because usually two gathering threads are fine. Nope! It actually started to fray so badly that there were holes in the back waistline.

Pattern: Simplicity 2444
Fabric: cotton plaid that had been in my stash for a decade
Mods: Bias bound armholes and neckline instead of facings
This is one that I like a lot, but will probably not wear too often, because it's just too fragile. I could take the whole skirt off, overcast the edges, and put it back but it just seems like too much work. I might as well make a new dress at that point!