This is two coats of my own franken, with two coats of Sally Hansen No Chip top coat.
I would be lying if I said this was anything other than the pinnacle of my St. Patrick's Day manicures. On the nail, this stuff reminded me of astroturf! I ended up passing this on to my buddy Jessie (who makes gorgeous jewelry which can be found here) and I hope she loves it just as much as I did.
What I used to make this:
- Wet N Wild "Kaleidoscope", one bottle dumped into bigger, empty franken bottle
- Martha Stewart "Emerald" glitter. A TON! I just eyeballed and did a lot of shaking.
- Martha Stewart "Peridot" glitter. Just a bit, to give it a little multi-color effect
"Kaleidoscope" is (as you can see) a silver glitter in a clear base. It's fairly sparse, so I thought it would be a good candidate to add more glitter to. I used a rolled-up post-it note as a funnel, and shook like hell. I added a bit at a time, which made it a lot easier. This, I think, walks to line of almost having too much glitter. It will pull itself off the nail if you don't have enough on the brush. Easy enough to fix, though.
This is my first franken in a couple of years, and I think I'm going to do some more!
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