I've really not been doing that much crafting lately. I haven't had a lot of uninterrupted time to really have marathon crafting sessions, and that's really how I get things done. I'm working on the silver and black afghan (ravelry link) but it is sometimes taking me half an hour to get across one row. Slow going!
I was doing a bit of work on my toe-up Charades (ravelry link) but I can't seem to find the first sock! So I have temporarily stalled progress on the second. I'm at the crucial heel-turning point, and I want them to match. (Seems like I should be spending time cleaning my own bedroom, huh?)
I did take some stash photos the other day, so check ravelry in a week or so and they may be up. Nothing exciting.
In exciting news, I made some awesome earrings!
They are made with fishing lures. I had talked about making jewelry out of fishing stuff, at first as a joke when at the sporting goods store with theBoy. But pretty much immediately I realized that would be a great idea. It took me a little while to actually get stuff for it, but I'm super happy with my results so far. I may even make some more and list them on etsy. They are easy, fun, and cute! They were super hard to photograph, though!
The weather here has been sucking! It's been raining since Tuesday, maybe Monday, and there are clouds if not rain for the rest of the forecast ('til next Friday). Yuck!