Speaking of the holidays, I went so San Francisco to do a little Christmas shopping yesterday with the ladies from the Elks Lodge down the street. And I managed to forget my camera! I did get some shopping done and I finally found a pair of grey Chuck Taylors in my size! I've been looking for some for years. I wanted to check out the yarn shops in the city, but didn't have time. I did, however, pick up the newest Debbie Stoller book, Son of Stitch n Bitch. I just picked it up on a whim with no intention to buy it at all, (I haven't been very impressed with the manly patterns in her other books) and I loved it! The 'Lucha Libre' pattern sealed the deal for me. I'm not entirely sure I would want to wear a wool mask, but it made me immediately think of a couple of friends who would love it. There are a couple of other patterns I like a lot, like the Ernie sweater and the argyle scarf. The stripper illusion scarf is just classic. A must-knit.
Since it's the holiday season, I'm knitting a lot of smaller stuff. Most of it is generic and could be given to a lot of different people. There is always at least one time where I kick myself and think, "How could I have forgotten about ____?!"
pattern: My So-Called Scarf, still a WIP
yarn: Patons Classic Merino Wool in a colorway I can't remember
needles: US #10s
This is one of those things that I have no idea what I'm going to do with. Give as a gift, but I don't know to whom. Best case scenario: I don't have anyone to give it to and I can sell it. (With most patterns one couldn't do that, but this is just based on a stitch pattern! whoo!)
yarn: Peaches n Cream in Daisy
hook: I-9, I think
pattern: Little Dress Dishcloth
mods: i used a small elastic hairband instead of a plastic ring in the center.
I don't know what I'm doing with this, but I know I'm not keeping it. Definitely a grandma-type gift. Way too cutesy for my taste, but it's fun to make.
I'm actually thinking about making a bunch of dishtowels for people. The kind with the little loop for hanging. You don't have to hang it from your oven (reccomended) but everyone uses towels in the kitchen!
pattern: Seaman's Cap
needles: US #7s (4.5mm)
yarn: LB Wool Ease
mods: On this hat, I did the ribbing the opposite of the pattern (k2, p1 instead of k1, p2) and I did the ribbing on the same size needles.
I've also made a TON of these hats (I'm on #4 or 5 right now, but haven't photographed those yet.). They are pretty much the perfect knit hat. I wish I didn't feel like such a homeless man wearing one, otherwiseyou would probably never get it off my head.Maybe I need to make a more feminine one. Anyway, Dad and Grandpa are all getting these for Christmas. Boyfriend already has two. The best part is, these take very little time to make. I just wish I could find a CO that I really like on reversed ribbing. I like the front of the double CO (also known as the thumb method) but the back is just purl bumps which is not my favorite. I might try a cable CO with the next hat.
I did a little dyeing last weekend while the rest of the family was out picking out a Christmas tree and it turned out rather crappily, if I do say so myself. More on that, and pictures! in the future. It was probably the worst dyeing experience I've had to date. And let me tell you, hot Kool-Aid stinks!
Ooooh! I love that hat! It makes me want to knit one up in Red - Team Zissou style!
ReplyDeleteI usually hate the holidays too. Why do they have to be so close to finals? ugh. I'm trying to stay cheerful (and knitting!) though.
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend designed the lidsville hat in SOSNB. I was pleasantly surprised with the patterns, too!