My nameless socks.
YARN: Cherry Tree Hill SuperSock in Country Garden.
PATTERN: generic toe-up stockinette sock, with short-row toes and heels and a 1x1 ribbed leg.
NEEDLES: US #2s, 2.75mm
I like these socks a lot, although they ended up a little bit small for me. I have enough left over to make another sock, if it's a simple one. I'm actually considering frogging these and making something prettier. Maybe a Charade or anoher pair of Jaywalkers. I think I would use a smaller needle, as well. Overall, I'm happy with these socks, but I think they could be better. At this point, I'm just glad I will have a pair of woll socks for winter!
Since I mentioned my Jaywalkers-in-progress I thought I should tell you that I've picked them up again after months of not even looking at them, and I am about a third of the way up the leg on the second sock. I just need to keep working on them, and they should be done soon! (Hopefully I won't wait to post about them for months.)
oh, I love that colorway! Fantastic socks : )