27 May 2014

Me Made May Week 4 round-up

I really started to run out of steam this week. My Me Made-wardrobe just isn't big enough! Obviously, I'm working to rectify this problem! I have worn every large garment that I've made, the only things I haven't worn are socks and shawls. Which, I have a million of both, but are too hot to wear in 90°+ weather. However ...

Day 18 - I wore wool socks to bed! I live with someone who likes it much colder than I do, so occasionally I wear ridiculous things or use an electric blanket during the summer. These are the first pair of socks I made from my own handspun yarn. This was Fat Cat Knits BFL that I won in their Rav group's super awesome birthday raffle. I never win things!

Day 19 - Datura. Again. I wear it all the time.

Day 20 - no photo. Tuesdays are my cleaning/jewelry work day. I did cut out a new Cambie this day: 

Day 21 - Tattooed Grandpa dress + the best hairstyle ever. It's great for 2nd or 3rd day hair for curly hair!

Day 22 - Although I didn't wear it all day, I wore my first Cambie to look for fitting issues to correct in my second version. (I fixed my weird uneven sleeve issue and moved the sleeve/strap attachment point inward.) This dress is really, really comfortable despite being kind of crazy. I need a version that isn't so much. 

Day 23 - I wore the Ladybug Datura. Again I wear both Datura blouses at least once a week. I also did my final fittings for this Cambie and sewed it all up. Above, it's pictured without the lining. It fit really well, and I was worried that the lining would make it bulky or lumpy. 

Day 24 - White Datura again. I literally took one picture all day, and it was at my F-not-IL's 50th birthday party. I do love Crown Royal. 

Day 25 - NEW CAMBIE! As well as my EZ Camping Shawl, knit in 2011 and one of my unicorn necklaces. Cambie looks great with the lining, and it helped with the bit of horizontal line stuff that was going on. It is SUCH a comfortable, awesome pattern. Despite being a little more on the fancy side, (I am a girl who wear jeans and a band shirt 90% of the time) I want a million versions of it to wear all the time. I put really fun pockets in it that I need to photograph. 

I was beating myself up a bit about falling off the wagon this week, but it turns out it wasn't so bad. We're in the homestretch now! 

*items in this post were won by me at no cost, though this did not affect my posted review/opinion. 

20 May 2014

Me Made May - week 3 update

Since this post is being written during week 4, let me say: it's getting hard! My "me made" wardrobe is fairly slim and I'm starting to run out of steam. Looking back, week 3 went pretty well.

Day 11 - Mother's Day and the Sacramento Antique Fair (with my mom, of course) wore my just-finished-the-night-before-and-not-even-washed-so-don't-look-too-close-there-may-be-chalk-marks second Datura blouse.

Day 12 - second Datura again! I only left the house briefly (Monday/Tuesday are my "days off") and I wore crappy yard work clothes most of the day. I slapped this puppy on to go to dinner with friends. 

Day 13 - Rainbow meeting night means clothing I wouldn't wear elsewhere. The dress is my first dress ever (how did I not realize that when I made it? I also never named it) and I knit the sweater a few years ago. I love yellow. Could you tell? 

Day 14 - Movies in the Park shorts and a tank top. It was 100° that day, and I work in a kitchen with no AC. 'nuff said. (also, clearly this was before work!) 

Day 15 - This is why I don't wear nice things- because they're covered up with a dingy apron and smeared in grease! Dresses are nice and cool during hot summers (almost literally) slaving over a hot stove. 

Day 16 - On Wednesdays We Wear Black Dress. Worn on a Friday. Still unblogged. 

Day 17 - I wore BOTH Datura tops. I wore the white one to work with shorts and then the red one to a show. I did not take a picture of either outfit because I had a very busy day that included going to a succulent and cactus show, but I did take a picture of the two tops together. Which one is your favorite? 

12 May 2014

Me Made May - week 2 round-up

Week 2 meant I had officially run out of (sewn) things to wear only once. There are going to be repeats.

Day 4- Cambie. I didn't leave the house this day, so wearing this crazy-ass dress wasn't too much. I think there is a very finite set of situations that this dress is appropriate for.

Day 5- Stripe Study shawl with everything else RTW. This baby is handspun and handknit. I love it.

Day 6 - (unblogged) On Wednesdays We Wear Black dress. 

Day 7 - Pressure Point (band) hoodie and camo Movies in the Park shorts. 

Day 8- here's where it gets ugly. I just didn't have it in me to find something in the back of my closet to wear. I cheated, by wearing a necklace that I made. (hella cute RTW top from Target.)

Day 9 - Datura, which I ought to name the Friday Datura because I seem to wear it on Fridays. 

Day 10 - Tattooed Grandpa dress with a belt. Will never wear it again without one! 

It was a pretty good week! I have some serious blogging to catch up on with details of some of these projects but most of them are chronicled on Instagram. And like I said last week, I'm trying to get and keep my Kollabora projects up to date, whether blogged or not. It's not totally there yet, but close!

05 May 2014

Me Made Made - week 1

Day 1: Dixie DIY Movies in the Park Shorts in camo (unblogged) with a Out Crowd (hardcore band) shirt
Day 2: Datura blouse (unblogged) with RTW shorts
Day 3: Simplicity 2444 dress (unblogged) with RTW hoodie from Target AND Tudor setting necklace from the etsy shop.

     Me Made May day 3- the as yet unblogged tartan dress in a family bathroom for the first BBQ of the summer. #memademay14 #memademay #memadeliving #sewing #sewcialists #sewcialist #tartan #plaid #simplicity2444 #tartanhearts

I guess I have a few finished objects to catch up on, huh? I'm trying to also get everything on Kollabora, whether it's blogged or not. It's like the Ravelry for sewing that I've been asking for for YEARS! I'm excited about it. 

01 May 2014

In addition to Selfish Sewing Week '14 ...

It's Me Made May!

Me Made May is great because I am completely the kind of person who makes beautiful things and then they sit in a closet because I wear black band tee shirts and jeans or shorts every day. Plus, I make a lot of weird stuff. Especially with knitting, because I am a process knitter to the nth degree. Exhibits A, B, and C. And I like boring knits! Luckily, I discovered Martina Behm's patterns which are all right up my alley. I have a Viajante in progress.

Here's my pledge:

'I, Jess of http://tartanhearts.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear something I have created each day for the duration of May 2014'

This will be a stretch for me, and I have a feeling that I may be stretching definitions from time-to-time. But I promise to do my best, for the sake of my self-made wardrobe!