(late to post them, I know. I put them on facebook and nowhere else.)
This is two coats of RCM 'Midnight Affair' with Wet N Wild Fantasy Makers glitter scrubbed in on my ring fingers. I used Nailtiques 2 as base coat and did not use the nail dehydrator. Removal is so much easier that way! No scraping.
If you are doing gel and have not done scrubbed in glitter DO IT NOW! I mean, unless you hate glitter or something. Which is fine, no judgement. (more for me!) If you do gel and like glitter and haven't done this technique, let me tell you: IT IS SO EASY!
I was thinking I'd have to ... do something complicated to achieve this. Nope! Let me go through the steps for scrubbing in glitter:
1. Choose a relatively jelly-like gel color. Most gel is fairly jelly-ish, so this shouldn't be hard.
2. Do your nails as usual, stopping before you apply the gel top coat. After curing gel color for the last time, get your glitter.
3. Using small paintbrush, pat glitter onto nail. It will stick to the cured gel, which is tacky.
4. Paint over glitter layer and cure that layer in the lamp. You can use a colored gel here or just clear coat/top coat. I've seen suggestions to wipe off any glitter that sticks or have a specific clear coat just for glitter. I am not that particular. You may be. Proceed accordingly.
5. Finish manicure as you usually would with top coat and then wiping/spraying with alcohol.
Basically, let me sum this up: tap glitter onto your cured gel sometime during your mani.
This will not be the last time you see this technique from me. I love glitter, and I love that the removal for this is just as easy as regular gel removal (which rivals removing normal glitter in terms of time). I'm considering doing some pretty cool stuff with this technique for Christmas. Maybe that tape mani to make a tree with multi-size glitter scrubbed in as ornaments. How neat would that be?!