Looking through some older posts, there is so much about what I'm "going to" do. If I said I was going to do it, I probably didn't. I haven't sewn a damn thing since they Aboyne. I quit Couch to 5k after week 1. I started it again 3 different times but not it's too hot to swim. It's going to be over 100 tomorrow! With the unseasonably cool spring we had, this ought to suck.
I've been meaning to restart some kind of daily photo thing, but haven't. I've been really lax about taking pictures and have a TON of stuff that needs to be photographed. I finished a Haruni shawl, and do not have a single picture of it. I even got all dolled up and wore it to a wedding and still didn't take pictures. (I knit it to wear to the wedding.) I have a lot of FOs that need proper pictures taken of them. I knit a Thorpe hat in 2009 that I don't have a single picture of, and it's knit with my hand-dyed. Good grief. I don't know what my deal is. I think after 365, I'm just kind of over taking pictures. It's really an all-or-nothing situation for me.
The only real thing I've really accomplished lately is to start an etsy shop. It's just got Highland dance cross-stitch patterns in it right now, but when there is knitting relevant stuff, I'll probably blog about it. I have a ton of shrinky dinks and stuff that would be perfect for stitch markers. Just need to get in gear and put them together. And uh, photograph everything for it. Heh.
I bought some seriously yellow yarn and don't know what to do with it now. I've got 1300+ yards of both Knitpicks Shadow Tonal in Golden Glow and Knitpicks Gloss Lace in Dandelion. Any suggestions? The Golden Glow is the orangey one; Dandelion is just straight up yellow.